Ponte Academic Journal Nov 2018, Volume 74, Issue 11 |
THEORETICAL PROBLEMS OF DERIVATOLOGY (WORD CREATION) IN THE DIALECTS AND ACCENTS OF NAKHCHIVAN Author(s): Zulfiyye ISMAYIL J. Ponte - Nov 2018 - Volume 74 - Issue 11 doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2018.11.22 Abstract: The word creation problem exist in the dialects and accents of Nakhchivan and the Eastern Anatolia is first time comparative investigated in this article. Word creation and semantics problem in Nakhchivan group of dialects and accents of Azerbaijan language also will be systematically investigated first time. The purpose of this article is to investigate the materials of Nakhchivan and the Eastern Anatolia dialects and accents in historical-ethimological plan. The article is useful for develop the guality of the educational of language history, historical lexicology and dialectology subjects and also usefull for students of philological faculties. The same time the article can be useful in preparing multi volumes dialectological vocabularies and investigations on accent lexical and will give them a new direction and materials.
Keywords: Nakhchivan derivatologiya, semantik, fonetik, morfoloji, sintaktik, dialects, accents
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