Archive of Journal
Volume 71, Issue 3, Mar. 2015

Cell Hydration as a Universal and Extra-Sensitive Biomarker for Determination of the Functional State of the Organism

Volume 71, Mar 2015

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Abstract: Although the functional significance of intracellular water is widely accepted, its messenger role in signal transduction and generation of different diseases is not adequately studied by the researchers. My presentation contains a review of our data on the metabolic regulation of cell hydration and its physiological significance in norm and pathology. Methods: Neuronal, muscle and reproductive cells, isolated tissue and organs of animals and woman breast cancer tissues serves as a subject for investigations. The light microscopic, whole cell and patch clamp, isotope, standard biochemical and genetic engineering methods were used. Results: The data showed a close correlation between cell hydration and number of functionally active membrane proteins, having enzymatic, chemoreceptive and ionoforetic properties. The data on the Table show that the number of ouabain receptors (Na/K pump units) depends on membrane surface, which changes upon the effect of factors causing the increase of membrane permeability. The correlation between the Na/K pump regulating the cell hydration and intracellular signaling system was also shown. It makes the cell hydration as a universal and extrasensitive cell marker determining the cell functional state and a sensor for different extraweak environmental signals. By specific mRNA-induced expression in oocites membrane was shown that the cyclic nucleotide?dependent Na/Ca exchanger plays a crucial role in cell volume regulation, when the Na/K pump is inactive (cell pathology). Conclusions: 1) The number of functionally active protein molecules in cell membrane depends on cell active surface. 2) There are a negative feedback between Na/K pump and cell hydration and a positive feedback between membrane permeability and cell hydration. 3) The cell overhydration is a marker for cell pathology. 5) The Na/K pump regulating the cell hydration is a universal and extrasensitive sensor for various environmental factors.


An Introduction to the Bioeconomics of Invasive Species with Examples from the Emerald Ash Borer Invasion

Volume 71, Mar 2015

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Abstract: In a bioeconomic framework to address the threat of invasive species, one of the objectives is to provide estimates of the regional economic and ecological impact an invasive species will potentially inflict upon a region. Achieving this objective requires addressing six steps: 1) estimate the potential habitat, 2) predict the spread, 3) estimate economic and ecological impacts, 4) determine the regional consequences of spread through the economy and ecosystem, 5) determine cost and effectiveness of different prevention and control strategies, and 6) link distribution and spread models to optimize resources. We are currently using this framework to assess the potential economic impact of the emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis; EAB) invasion on Ohio and Michigan. Here we highlight models of EAB spread, estimates of the distribution of ash trees, estimates of regional and localized economic impacts, and predictions of the optimal timing and execution of strategies to control the spread of EAB on a regional basis. The objective of this research is to provide policy-makers with quantitative guidance for cost-effective alternative strategies to control, prevent, or slow the spread of emerald ash borer.


Pattern of Disorders of Sex Development in Egypt

Volume 71, Mar 2015

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Abstract: Disorders of sex development with birth of an infant with ambiguous genitalia require medical attention to elucidate the differential diagnosis. This group of disorders is not uncommon in Egypt (1:3000 live births). In this study we provide an extensive review of a patient collective with ambiguous genitalia from 6 years experience at the Department of Clinical Genetics at the National Research Center in Egypt. Moreover, a first pilot study was conducted in Great Cairo and Kalioubia Governerates in 2007 showing the relatively high incidence of disorder of sexual development (DSD) and genital abnormalities. Two hundred and eight patients with ambiguous genitalia were recruited from the genetic clinic from 2000-2005. They were subjected to history taking, pedigree analysis. Full clinical examination, cytogenetic study, hormonal, radiological investigations, and molecular studies were performed when possible. 46,XY DSD was more common than 46,XX DSD constituting 65.9% of total cases. Consanguinity was high with 61% in the affected families, however, only 21 cases had a positive family history. There was preference of male sex of rearing (regardless of karyotype), despite severe degree of ambiguity. In Egypt, Disorders of sex development have a broad range of underlying causes with some preference of rare monogenic disorders. For improving diagnostic standards, the provision of centers of tertiary pediatric care is recommended for patients with DSD even in developing countries.

Author(s): Mazen I, El Gammal M, Bassiouny R