Ponte Academic Journal Jan 2022, Volume 78, Issue 1 |
ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION IN EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS (HEIS): DEVELOPMENT, ISSUES & SCOPE Author(s): Hemoon Kalani ,Roopa Rani, Bukhari Zulfiqar Shah, Maha Raja Dahar, Saira Joher, Chen Shiyi J. Ponte - Jan 2022 - Volume 78 - Issue 1 doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2022.1.1 Abstract: This paper comprehensively analyzes and interprets the Structure, Developments, Scope, and Issues of Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) in Europe and recommends some insights to consider more aspects for the development of EE in the continent. For this, the paper has extracted data and analyzed for with a conceptual discussion from eighteen recently published research articles and eight recent reports of the European Commission (EC) and The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and others. For the data extraction and analysis, the Qualitative Simple Descriptive Analysis method (Suter, 2014) has been adopted. which is a contested useful method for testing cause-and-effect connections of social, educational science. According to the method adopted, there are two main types of descriptive analysis: first, Studies that explain events, and second, Studies that have aimed at finding inferences or causal relationships. This paper has chosen the first paradigm of the method to analyze and describe events related to entrepreneurship education using various data sources from recently published papers and reports. Readers will experience the detailed reflection of events in the paper through the literature cited. Data extracted shows in recent years the field of Entrepreneurship Education (EE) has become more relevant in European countries than in the United States among all continents. Also, it has got the pace of the lifelong learning process. In general, the HEIs across the continent are playing their role in the expansion of the field but either many also are facing such deficiencies too. More currently the major courses of EE at HEIs in the EU, are primarily focusing on the growth of entrepreneurial awareness, skills, and attitudes, and are allowing students to think and behave entrepreneurially to potentially realize these opportunities. But on the policy implementation level, rich policy diversity for teaching methods, approaches, and techniques for providing and handling entrepreneurship training in higher education require greater attention. Also, the lack of teacher training, HEIs-Industry relations, and managerial roles are evidenced.\nWhether huge numbers of HEIs in Europe have made substantial efforts to move entrepreneurship out of the context of pure business administration to make it more attractive for other disciplines and institutions to integrate EE courses into their curricula. Instead of this, in the smaller countries and smaller HEIs, the lakes in governance, policy implementation, and resource allocation issues are widely evidenced. \nMost of the HEIs in Europe have integrated EE courses in extracurricular activities but still few cases with extra-curricular, entrepreneurship teaching issues have also been found. Recent trends, scopes, and HEIs, and other organizations\' roles in Entrepreneurship Education (EE) in Europe are discussed in the paper. This paper can be a potential citation source to understand the current EE position in European HEIs and their role in the development of the field.
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