Ponte Academic Journal Oct 2024, Volume 80, Issue 10 |
CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF COLLABORATIVE WORK WITH COLLEAGUES ACROSS THE GLOBE IN A COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE Author(s): Jeremiah Madzimure J. Ponte - Oct 2024 - Volume 80 - Issue 10 doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2024.10.1 Abstract: This paper explores the challenges and opportunities of collaborative work with colleagues across the globe in a community of practice. The rise of technology and globalization has made it easier for professionals to collaborate with colleagues from different parts of the world. However, this also comes with its own set of challenges. The paper discusses the challenges such as time zone differences, cultural barriers, and communication issues that may arise when working with colleagues from different parts of the world. It also highlights the opportunities such as diverse perspectives, knowledge sharing, and cross-cultural learning that can be gained from collaborative work in a global community of practice. The theoretical framework is based on the concept of communities of practice, which emphasizes the importance of social learning and knowledge sharing within a group of individuals who are united by a common interest or profession. The paper delves into how collaborative work within a community of practice can lead to the development of new ideas, best practices, and innovative solutions to complex problems.
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