Ponte Academic Journal Jan 2018, Volume 74, Issue 1 |
A CASE STUDY OF ONE PESANTREN IN INDONESIA Author(s): Ajat Sudrajat ,Abdul Malik, Mifedwil Jandra, Miftachul Huda J. Ponte - Jan 2018 - Volume 74 - Issue 1 doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2018.1.13 Abstract: This research aims at revealing the issue of radicalism associated with pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) in Bima regency, Indonesia. The issue of radicalism is associated with some pesantren in Bima, which are allegedly developed radicalism. This issue sparks due to some Moslem scholars (ustad) and pesantren officials in Bima who are allegedly involved in terrorism cases. The widespread issue of terrorism which is associated with pesantren raises a stigmatization that pesantren is considered an educational institution that supports radical values. The method used in this research is a qualitative-phenomenological method. This method seeks to provide answers to the question of why a radical stigmatization is addressed to some pesantren, particularly in Bima Regency. The results of the research show that there are some aspects dealing with pesantren which become indicators of radical stigmatization. These aspects include: curriculum, exclusive understanding and religious attitudes, and indoctrinate learning processes. Therefore, to reduce the emergence of radicalism in pesantren, it is necessary to have a dialogue between the government and religion figures, especially the officials of pesantren.\r\nKeywords: pesantren, stigmatization, radicalism
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