Ponte Academic Journal Jan 2022, Volume 78, Issue 1 |
AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE CHALLENGES FACING SMMES IN THE SOUTH AFRICAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS SECTOR Author(s): Jeremiah Madzimure ,James Johannes Abrahams J. Ponte - Jan 2022 - Volume 78 - Issue 1 doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2022.1.5 Abstract: The purpose of the research was to investigate the challenges facing Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMME’s) in the Telecommunications sector within the Johannesburg area. Although the government acknowledged SMME development as important to economic growth and a vehicle to job creation, SMME’s are struggling within the Telecommunications sector. The research explores and understand the operational struggles, competitive market environment and Covid-19 affected market space that further contribute to the high SMME failure rate within the first two years of establishment. The research conducted a qualitative approach dealing with the subject or insider’s viewpoint. Findings from the research highlighted that there is a lot of work to be done in SMME enablement to realise the benefit of SMMEs that are fully functional, profitable and creators of lasting and real employment. The respondents suggested various recommendations and strategies that will create an environment for them to flourish and address the challenges currently facing them. Finances were identified as just lagging government support and intervention as one of the most important enablers that would assist the SMMEs to compete and be market drivers for sustainability, growth, and development by 2030.
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