Ponte Academic Journal
Nov 2024, Volume 80, Issue 11


Author(s): Madina OZTURK ,Yavuz Ercan GUL

J. Ponte - Nov 2024 - Volume 80 - Issue 11
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2024.11.2

This study aimed to examine the general self-efficacy levels of teacher candidates. The sample of the study consisted of teacher candidates studying in different departments of Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University in the 2023-2024 academic year. The General SelfEfficacy Scale was used to determine the general self-efficacy levels of teacher candidates. As a result of the study, the general self-efficacy levels of teacher candidates were determined. It was observed that the general self-efficacy levels of teacher candidates were high. This means that Kyrgyz teacher candidates overcome difficulties in daily and academic life. Then, tests were conducted to understand whether the general self-efficacy levels of Kyrgyz teacher candidates differed statistically according to different independent variables. In this direction, first of all, the differences in the general self-efficacy level according to gender and living with the family were examined. As a result of the independent samples t-test, it was determined that there was no statistically significant difference. Another important result reached in the study is that the general self-efficacy levels of Kyrgyz prospective teachers differ statistically significantly according to their socioeconomic status. In other words, it was observed that those with a higher socioeconomic status had a higher general self-efficacy level than those with a lower socioeconomic status.
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