Ponte Academic Journal Aug 2024, Volume 80, Issue 8 |
EXPEDITING THE ACRONYM CHANGE IN HIV FROM ABC TO ABCDEF: COMMUNICATION IS VITAL IN REDUCING THE INFECTION RATE Author(s): Dr Mike Megrove Reddy J. Ponte - Aug 2024 - Volume 80 - Issue 8 doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2024.8.2 Abstract: Among the many acute and chronic illnesses inflicting humankind, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the one acquired infection that continues to plague society. Despite numerous scientific breakthroughs, there remains no cure for HIV. Millions of people throughout the world are currently infected and affected by the virus. A vast majority of HIV-positive patients are on chronic medication known as antiretroviral treatment (ARV). The acronym used by the South African government to educate people on how to prevent HIV is ABC, which stands for Abstain, Be Faithful and Condomise. This paper proposes that this be changed from ABC to ABCDEF (Abstinence, Blood (tests), Condomise, Dedication, Education and Facts (Myths). This paper aims to reduce the current HIV infection rate by expediting the acronym change in HIV from ABC to ABCDEF by maximizing the various channels of communication. The researcher believes that ABCDEF is a crucial foundation in reducing the HIV infection rate. Transformative learning theory is the theoretical framework for this study. The researcher utilized desktop research to collect data by selecting relevant newspaper articles, various internet sources, journal articles, books and statistics on the title. Communicating knowledge will empower people to make wiser decisions regarding protecting themselves from contracting HIV or preventing others from being infected by HIV.
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