Ponte Academic Journal
Jul 2024, Volume 80, Issue 7


Author(s): Yavuz Topkaya

J. Ponte - Jul 2024 - Volume 80 - Issue 7
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2024.7.2

The aim of this study is to determine the effect of educational comics on cognitive and affective learning in teaching the subjects of the environmental education course taught in universities and to describe the opinions of pre-service teachers about teaching with educational comics in environmental education. For this purpose, the research was conducted with mixed design method. The research was conducted on 87 pre-service social studies teachers studying at a state university in the Black Sea Region. There were 46 pre-service teachers in the experimental group and 41 pre-service teachers in the control group. Quantitative data of the study were obtained with the academic achievement test and attitude towards the environment scale, and qualitative data were obtained with the semi-structured interview forum. As a result of the application, there was a statistically significant difference between the pre-test and post-test mean scores of academic achievement and attitude towards the environment of both the experimental group students, in which activities were carried out with educational comics, and the control group students, in which activities were carried out according to the constructivist approach, in favor of the post-tests. When the effect of academic achievement pre-test scores was controlled, it was found that the academic achievement post-test scores of the students in the experimental and control groups differed significantly and this difference was in favor of the experimental group. When the effect of the pre-test scores of attitude towards the environment was controlled, it was found that the post-test scores of the students in the experimental and control groups differed significantly and this difference was in favor of the experimental group. According to the qualitative data analysis, it was determined that the qualitative pre-service teachers had a positive affective perspective towards teaching with educational comics.
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