Ponte Academic Journal Sep 2023, Volume 79, Issue 9 |
THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT TEMPERATURE LEVELS ON LEG'S RELATIVE AND ATTACK STRENGTH IN TAEKWONDO ATHLETES Author(s): Irfan Marangoz ,Duygu Seninc Yilmaz, Burakhan Aydemir J. Ponte - Sep 2023 - Volume 79 - Issue 9 doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2023.9.5 Abstract: The purpose of this study was to look at the effects of different heat levels (morning and evening) on relative leg strength and striking power in taekwondo players who actively use their lower extremities. The research sample comprises of 20 athletes, 11 female and 9 male, who actively train taekwondo at Trabzon Bordeaux Mavim sports club and agree to engage in the study on a voluntary basis. The "Relative Leg Force = Leg Press Force / Leg Mass technique" was used to calculate relative leg strength. Body temperature was measured using a non-contact infrared forehead thermometer. One repeat of the leg press was performed with the greatest weight that the competitor could lift. The electronic system was employed for the branch-specific palding-chagi attack. The SPSS 26.00 package application was used to analyze the research data. As a consequence, the branch-specific palding chagi stroke, leg press strength, and relative leg strength conducted in the late hours were greater in male and female athletes in the taekwondo branch, where the lower limb is employed more efficiently.
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