Ponte Academic Journal
Sep 2023, Volume 79, Issue 9


Author(s): Nicel Yildiz Silahli ,Senay Ture

J. Ponte - Sep 2023 - Volume 79 - Issue 9
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2023.9.7

Introduction Child feeding applications concern the content and methodology of feeding children. The feeding process results from the mutual relationship and interaction between the child and the parent, with both actively participating. Mismanaged feeding can have negative implications for both the parent and child. This study aims to investigate the connection between maternal attitudes during feeding and the frequency of media use during feeding, and the factors influencing them. Material and method This study was a cross-sectional online survey carried out in Istanbul, Turkey. We utilized a convenient sampling method, selecting parents of children aged 9-72 months to participate randomly. We additionally recruited more participants through referrals from the initial participants. The survey was administered to participants through Google Forms online. It contained three forms, namely, a socio-demographic data form, the Mother's Attitudes Towards the Feeding Process Scale (MATFPS), and a media usage form during feeding. The participants were provided with information about the study, the consent forms, and the purpose of the study through online means. Participation was voluntary and did not involve any personal data collection. Results The mean score of participating mothers' responses to the Nutrition Process Mother Attitudes Scale was 63.28±15.98. The scale consists of 5 factors. The mean score for the factor negative mood during meals was 13.98±5.39, while the score for attitude to inadequate or unbalanced nutrition was 24.63±7.23. The mean scores for negative feeding strategies and forceful feeding were 10.53±3.53 and 4.97±1.74, respectively. The mean score for reaction to others' opinions was 9.8±3.25. A total of 105 mothers (69.1%) reported using media tools while their children were being fed. Media use during feeding was found to be 3.51 times more frequent among mothers who perceived their children to have a feeding problem. Conclusion Healthy eating is not solely determined by the quantity and quality of food that children consume. It is also important to consider the emotional experiences of mothers during the feeding process and their potential use of maladaptive feeding strategies to overcome any difficulties encountered. It is also important to consider the emotional experiences of mothers during the feeding process and their potential use of maladaptive feeding strategies to overcome any difficulties encountered. Therefore, exploring a mother's attitudes, reactions, emotions, beliefs and strategies when feeding her child can provide valuable insights into promoting healthy eating behaviours. Negative emotions and thoughts experienced by mothers during the feeding process may be linked to increased media use. Furthermore, media use may be a coping mechanism for dealing with negative emotions. Hence, it is crucial to conduct more comprehensive studies that investigate the correlation between the challenges in the feeding process and media usage, establishing a causal relationship.
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