Ponte Academic Journal Jul 2020, Volume 76, Issue 7 |
PAKISTAN AS A NEWCOMER IN SHANGHAI COOPERATION\r\nORGANIZATION: A STUDY ON SECURITY AND ECONOMIC\r\nPERSPECTIVE Author(s): Abdul Rab ,Niamatullah, Amir Jan, Zaffar Jattak, Gulshan Munir, Mir Dosteen Hoth J. Ponte - Jul 2020 - Volume 76 - Issue 7 doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2020.7.6 Abstract: Abstract This article seeks to analyze future opportunities for Pakistan under the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) through the lens of security and economic cooperation with member countries. During the last two decades, policies on 'War on Terror' of Pakistan has caused much turmoil particularly in the security and economic sector of the country. This situation lessened the reputation of the country internationally and created a huge misunderstanding with its neighbor countries. However, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization's 17th Astana summit opened new avenues for Pakistan in term of its changing status from an observer state to a full member state that will lead to have a more active and strong foreign policy. We argue that the forum of SCO would be a work as the vital ladder in encouraging security and economic cooperation, expanding markets accessibility and help in having much needed development in Pakistan. In addition, Pakistan has a huge benefit to strengthen its military cooperation among SCO member countries in general and with Russia and China in particular. Pakistan's recent entry into the SCO as a permanent member can boost the security cooperation mechanism particularly combating terrorism through internal cooperation mechanisms and restrain the cross-border terrorist infiltration. The SCO platform also provides a great opportunity to Pakistan to broaden the energy corridor concept among SCO member states. Suggesting that under the banner of SCO, Pakistan has an ample opportunity to utilize its unexplored natural resources by inviting Russian and Chinese companies for investments to improve country's energy sector and fulfill its energy needs and beef up the economy of the country.
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