Ponte Academic Journal
Aug 2023, Volume 79, Issue 8


Author(s): Amos K. Matsepe ,Jeremiah Madzimure

J. Ponte - Aug 2023 - Volume 79 - Issue 8
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2023.8.8

The teaching and understanding of geometry, especially grade 11 circular geometry, is a serious challenge in South Africa. The problems that learners encounter when learning circular geometry are increasing. The aim of the study was to identify the factors that contribute to learners' hurdles and misconceptions when studying circular geometry in grade 11, as well as suggestions for improving performance and overcoming the issues they face. A descriptive survey research design was used in this study. 130 participants from five distinct district regions, that is, 25 maths teachers, 100 students, and five principals made up the sample size. An online interview, a suggestion box, and three questionnaires, one for learners, teachers, and school principals, were used to collect data for the study. Learners’ views toward circle geometry are that they are attending fewer lessons than expected due to the COVID-19 outbreak, and a lack of prior knowledge are all contributing to the challenges and misconceptions they face. The study also found out that learners confuse theorem proof with reasoning. The findings of the study research are expected to give curriculum developers new insights into using Van Hiele theory-based education, innovative tactics for teaching circular geometry, getting students interested in the topic material, and providing more learning programs like the Secondary School Improving Program (SSIP). The sampled five district regions that used Van Hiele theory-based education and attended the Secondary School Improving Program (SSIP) continued to improve on content curricula, overall performance, misconceptions decreased, and learners developed a love for circle geometry and their attitude toward it changed.
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