Ponte Academic Journal
Apr 2016, Volume 72, Issue 4

A Novel Offline Borrowing System for Book Transformed from Printed Book to E-Book in Libraries

Author(s): Aykut Karakaya ,Kerem Erzurumlu, Erdal Kilic

J. Ponte - Apr 2016 - Volume 72 - Issue 4
doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2016.4.16

Nowadays, called as Age of Information, most of the libraries uses conventional borrowing methods for printed/digital material. These traditional ways have some significant disadvantages. Some of them are losing, deformation of books and not accessing when a person wants to borrow any book. In this study, the books in the library are scanned and converted to proposed e-book format to get rid of these disadvantages. In this way, borrowing operations are made using the e-books. A protection of the borrowed book is provided against to any incompatible conditional. Thus, a substructure which users can access the library via tablet pc and mobile phone is prepared. Within scope of this study, the current e-book formats are investigated in detail and conclusion, a new e-book format with significant advantages is proposed to current formats to use in digital libraries.
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