Ponte Academic Journal Oct 2018, Volume 74, Issue 10 |
FOLLOW-UP ON SOCIAL MEDIA TO MEASURE TOPIC DIFFUSION: ECUADORS ZONE 3 ASSEMBLY MEMBERS CASE Author(s): Patricio Medina-Chicaiza ,María Fernanda Iza-Cabay,Carlos Beltrán-Ávalos J. Ponte - Oct 2018 - Volume 74 - Issue 10 doi: 10.21506/j.ponte.2018.10.1 Abstract: This research aims to follow-up on social media channels in order to measure topics from Zone 3 assembly members in Ecuador. The problem identified by means of direct observation is the absence of monitoring and follow-up activity in social networks, as well as the lack of knowledge of digital tools in obtaining indicators. This leads to a low online presence of assembly members. The proposed methodological procedure consists of the following stages: defining objectives and metrics, defining the monitoring period, selecting technological tools, analyzing and presenting results as well as suggestions for improvement. A sample of 14 representatives from the provinces of Zone 3 (Tungurahua, Cotopaxi, Chimborazo and Pastaza) were selected from a national population of 137 elected assembly members. Quantitative and qualitative technological tools were used for measurement, such as: Keyhole, Fanpagekarma, Followerwonk, Metricspot and Nvivo.
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